Biometric-Powered Social Campaign

Sony Pictures: Whiplash

I created a biometric-powered social campaign for the intense Oscar-winning jazz film ‘Whiplash’.


Problem - Whiplash was a film festival darling - resoundingly popular among critics but barely commercially viable. It’s a movie about jazz drumming; hardly must-see cinema. The challenge was to bring to life the thrill and intensity of a film that on the surface didn’t scream ‘excitement’.

The Big Idea – Adrenaline never lies . Movies use many superlatives in their promotion, but using biometrics, we would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Whiplash was as intense as the studio proclaimed.

Creative Execution – Biometric data captured at an advance screening of the movie showed the audiences heart rates spiked throughout. This data then formed the basis of a compelling micro social campaign.

Finding the USP

The launch stage was designed to enrol Accenture Europe employees in the Accenture Carbon Club – a large group of people dedicated to cutting carbon using small, simple everyday initiatives.

We began with a large series of launch assets designed to engage Accenture Europe employees with Earth Day and spread positive sentiment about getting involved and participating – no matter how small the contribution, it all added up to bring about real change.

The Whiplash Experiment: an exercise in biometric movie watching

We built a special group of environment advocates across Accenture Europe and had them help drive activity a grass roots level.

They spun up teams channels, hosted seminars and helped people understand what it was we were doing, why we were doing it and how to get involved.

We then reached out and got key Accenture clients involved to talk about what it means to pivot to a greener way of doing business.

Biometric data-powered social assets

Its at this point that we turned all that good will into real world action by asking all 100,000 Accenture Europe Employees to make a pledge to take real action on earth day.

Employees could do as little or as much as they liked. We presented them with a tiered system – where they could do basic things like dimming their laptop screen for a day, to going veggie for a day.


See the experiment in action

Check out the video below to go behind the scenes of the Whiplash experiment and see some of the biometric powered social assets come to life.


The results were music to the ears…



biometric experiment.


organic social interactions.


estimated organic reach.


CAMPAIGN: Vaillant - The Comfort Zone


EXPERIENTIAL: Sony Pictures - Ghostbusters Waterloo